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familia Arduengo, Arduengo family

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 9:55 pm
by abruzzey
Hola, tengo parientes con apellido 'Arduengo'.
Específicamente, tengo un pariente que se llama 'Joseph Arduengo', y no sé su nombre de nacimiento, pero lo más probable es Jose Arduengo.
Según papeles que escribió por mi bisabuela, nació en 19 de marzo 1856 en un pueblo pequeño en las montañas de Asturias que se llama 'Corvez/Corves' o 'Cortez/Cortes' y su madre tenía apellido 'Garcia'.
Joseph Arduengo inmigró a Cuba para trabajar en los campos de azúcar con su tío. Pero no le gustaba trabajar en campos húmedos así viajó a Luisiana donde se casó. Después, fue a Arkansas al condado Drew donde murió.

Me gustaría averiguar el pueblo en lo que nació. También, si alguien tiene alguna información de la familia, pueda poner en conocimiento.
Si necesita usted, tengo los papeles y puedo publicar los fotos, y también, tengo fotos de la familia Arduengo, aunque no tengo algunos de Cuba o España.

Hello, I have relatives with the surname 'Arduengo'.
Specifically, I have a relative called 'Joseph Arduengo', and I do not know his birth name, but it is most likely Jose Arduengo.
According to papers written by my greatgrandmother, he was born on 19 March 1856 in a small mountain village in Asturias called 'Corvez/Corves' or 'Cortez/Cortes' and his mother's surname was 'Garcia'.
Joseph Arduengo immigrated to Cuba to work in the sugar fields with his uncle. However, he didn't like working in the humid fields so he traveled to Louisiana where he married. After, he moved to Arkansas to Drew county where he died.

I'd like to know the village in which he was born. Also if anyone has any information about the family, let me know!
If you need, I have the papers and can post pictures of them, and also I have photos of the Arduengo family, although I don't have any from Cuba or Spain.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:02 pm
by Jasm
En Asturias existe un pueblo llamado Cortes (Concejo de Quiros), en la sierra del Aramo, es famoso porque allí nacio, el Santo San Melchor, fue martirizado en el s. XIX en Vietnam, y cuya muerte conllevo a la intervencióm militar de España con el apoyo de Francia, dirigidos los españoles por el General Palanca, que tomo Saigon, una plaza llevo su nombre hasta la salida de los Norteamericanos, existe un documental "De Asturias a Vietnam"
No creo que le sirva de mucho, pero existio un José Arduengo en Sorribas (Grado) 1866. En 1894 Ponga tenía de Alcalde a José Arduengo Huerta. En el reemplazo del servicio militar de 1897 del Concejo de Parres aparece en el listado de posibles profugos José Arduengo Escobio hijo de Manuel y Ana, se encontraba en La Habana. En 1897 en el pueblo de Vega (Amieva) había un José Arduengo. En 1897 en el pueblo de Carangas (Ponga) había un José Arduengo.
En 1927 en Cuba en la Unión Piloñesa, en la sección de Beneficencia el secretario era un José Arduengo.
Le pido disculpas porque creo que le he hecho perder el tiempo.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:47 am
by Jasm
1910 Queda viuda Virginia Arduengo García, casada con Domingo Iglesias, que falleció en el pueblo de Pen, del Concejo de Amieva.
1912 Censo Concejo de Piloña, aparecen José Arduengo García, Santos Arduengo García, José Arduengo Diego.
1924 en el Concejo de Amieva se declaraba profugo a Narciso Arduengo García, hijo de Narciso y María.
1926 se emplazaba para presentarse a un requerimiento militar a Roque Arduengo García, hijo de Pedro y Anastasia, natural de cien, concejo de Amieva, con 21 años.
1929 Concejal del Ayuntamiento de Amieva Bernardo Arduengo García.
En 1723 había Arduengos en el pueblo de Carangas, Concejo de Ponga

En Amieva existe un pueblo que se llama Carbes de la parroquía de Mian, quizas se pueda parecer al nombre que usted dice.
El libro Asturias : su historia y monumentos, bellezas y recuerdos, costumbres y tradiciones, el bable, asturianos ilustres, agricultura e industria, estadística. Tomo III. Octavio Bellmunt y Fermín Canella (Gijón 1894 - 1900) dice en capítulo de Amieva en pueblos de Vis y Carbes, los Alonsos, Nozaledas, Fuente y Arduengo, con viviendas de portada en que apunta la ojiva.

Amieva y Ponga son concejos vecinos del Oriente de Asturias, frontera con León.


Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:02 pm
by Marta Elena Díaz García

Information from the Consulado de España in La Habana (Cuba): there is a file with information about Maximiliano Arduengo García, son of Pedro and Anastasia, born in Amieva (Asturias).

Check this link: ... cc=1928310

Probably, he is your relative. In the file you can see Maximiliano's photo.



Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:20 pm
by Marta Elena Díaz García

I have found another "Anduergo" among the files of the Consulado de España in Havana.
His name is Pedro Anduergo Torre, son of Antonio and Dolores. Pedro was born in Cirieño, a small village in Amieva (Asturias).

It is probable that Pedro Anduergo Torre is a cousin of Maximiliano.

You can find Pedro's picture and information in this link: ... cc=1928310


Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 10:14 pm
by abruzzey
Jasm & Marta Elena Díaz García
(lo siento no sé cómo añadir las etiquetas)

Muchas gracias! He buscado mi familia Arduengo por muchos años y siempre tenía nada. Pienso que el foto es correcto. Otra vez, muchas gracias, me han ayudado tanto! Estoy agradecida para siempre!

la incorporación: pienso que es Pedro porque aparece similar a Pedro en el único foto que tengo. La información de mi bisabuela que tengo estaba cuando contrató un genealogista en los ochenta y no tenían internet y por esto es posible que cometió un error.

(está en el centro con un niño en su regazo. lleva un sombrero)


Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 3:34 pm
by llerandi
Hola, yo soy Arduengo residente aún en Asturias, en la zona de Amieva. Puede alguien concretar más sobre alguno de sus antepasados???


Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 5:13 am
by Marta Elena Díaz García
Hello Abruzzey:

I was looking at the picture you posted and certainly, the boy with the child seems to be Maximiliano. Also, after comparing the pictures, I think that the boy upstairs, with the grey coat, may be the Maximiliano's cousin Pedro Anduergo Torre.
I am happy we can help you.


Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 5:23 am
by abruzzey
Thank you so much for the help! I have noticed that the photo of Maximiliano has a number '1927' and if this is the immigration year, I am not so aure that it is him, United States records show he was naturalized in 1878 (though there is no clue to his birth place, all it says is 'Spain'). If this is him, how can I obtain records? I am looking to trace my Asturian family backwards. PARES has no information on anyone who could possibly be him or be related to him. I wrote the church in Carbes looking for records or asking for direction towards anyone who has records but it was many months ago and I never got a response. Carbes doesn't seem to have its own administrative building, or at least it is not shown online and I cannot find an email address to any establishment in the area. PARES has archive districts which can be contacted for documents, though they have no records as far back as 1856 or even 1878. Sorry for the long paragraph I have hit so many dead ends now!

Lo siento, no tengo mucha información. En los 70 mi bisabuela contrató un genealogista y él encontró la información en la pagina abajo (es en inglés, puedo traducir si es necesario). Es lo único cosa que tengo junto con el foto, y también tengo algunos registros que encontré de familysearch. Están más abajo.
También, encontré una pagina de web con información de la familia Arduengo. La persona que lo creó es parte de la familia Arduengo que inmigraron a Cuba, pero por lo que sé, todos salvo uno han inmigrado a los EEUU (la mayoría inmigró a Florida).
La pagina de web está más abajo, también. Hay un email que está en la pagina y trató enviar una mensaje pero me dije que el email no existen ahora.

Pagina del censo 1900 (EEUU)
Registro de la naturalización (EEUU)
Registro del fallecimiento (EEUU)
Pagina del Arduengo



Re: Arduengo

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 6:39 am
by llerandi
Hola: (escribiré en castellano, inglés puedo leer pero me resulta difícil escribir, lo siento).
Creo que los Arduengo son todos originarios de Amieva y Ponga, especialmente Amieva. Probablemente todos tengan sus raíces en esos lugares.
Me consta que Pedro Arduengo Torre estuvo en Cuba (pero no de niño, por lo que no creo que aparezca en esa fotografía). Estimo que estaría en Cuba en los años 20 del siglo XX y me consta que durante la Guerra Civil de España ya estaba en España seguro.
No sé de ningún primo de Pedro que se llamara Maximiliano (lo cual, por supuesto, no quiere decir que no fueran primos, pero no me consta).
Sí sé que Pedro tenía un tío y primos en Cuba. El tío sería Baldomero Arduengo Álvarez y los primos Baldomero, Félix, Elena y Manuel.
Estos datos no los sé por investigar archivos, los conozco por transmisión oral de las personas mayores. Había muchos más primos y primos segundos alguno de los cuales puede que estuviera en Cuba también (recordad que para que uno fuera a América lo tenía que "reclamar" otra persona que ya estuviera allí, normalmente un familiar), pero es bastante difícil seguir el rastro.
Por otro lado, le comento las divisiones administrativas de Asturies. Carbes es un pequeño pueblo y no tiene ningún edificio administrativo. El Registro Civil correspondiente sería el de Amieva pero yo estuve allí y no hay registros antiguos porque se destruyeron durante la guerra. Los registros religiosos los desconozco, pero Carbes pertenece a la parroquia de Mian.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:06 am
by Marta Elena Díaz García
Hello Abruzzey:

The date 1927 is not the immigration year, but the date in which he was required to put in order his documents about the military service. He was oblied to do the military service in 1915, but he did not. So, he had to pay money to cancel his responsability with the country, with Spain.

If he had to do the military service in 1915, then Maximiliano was born about 1896.

You said that Maximiliano was naturalized in 1878. I think this date is not correct if the boy in the picture you sent is Maximiliano. The picture is about 1910-1920, then how old was Maximiliano in the picture? How old was Maximiliano when he got naturalized?.

It would be too much of a coincidence that the names of the Maximiliano's parents are the same you know (Pedro and Anastasia) as well as the place of birth, which is also Amieva. I do believe that your Maximiliano is the one in the file I posted you.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:13 am
by Marta Elena Díaz García

I was checking the links you sent and they are not Maximiliano's but Joseph's.
The naturalization document is not for Maximiliano.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 11:15 am
by abruzzey

I am looking for information on Joseph, who I know for certain is my relative and immigrated to Cuba from Spain (presumably Asturias) and from Cuba to Louisiana and then moved into Arkansas where he died. My biggest issue is that I doubt Joseph was the name given to him when he was born in Spain, but I do not know the name he was given at birth. All records: census records, death records, immigration records, and his tombstone have the name 'Joseph' on it. I know for a fact that he was born in Spain because all of these records say so, though that is all they say, no location other than simply 'Spain' is given. I also know for certain that he is my relative as I can trace from my Great-Grandmother directly to him. He married in Louisiana to a Missouri Ann Reeme in 1886 and had many children, among them, a woman named Myra Arduengo, who eventually married and became Myra Edwards who then had children, one of them my great-grandmother who I knew personally, named Mary Eunice, or simply Eunice Edwards and married to become Mary Eunice Wells.
All of the records I have are from the United States, none of them are from Spain or Cuba. It is possible that there are no records of his trip over to Louisiana from Cuba as the typed records I have from my great-grandmother is worded as so to possibly imply that he was a stowaway. I have no records of anyone related to him other than his children and their descendants. I know nothing about them, except for the short note from the typed record that his uncle had a sugar plantation and that his mother's surname was Garcia.
I do not know if he is related to Maximiliano at all.
The only physical things I have of him is the photo I posted and the typed and written passages I've posted above in a message to someone else. There are also four records I've found online that I know for certain are of him. These are linked in the same message with the photos of the other two documents I have physically.
In the photo I have, Joseph is not one of the young boys. He is already married in this photo. As I look at the photo now, I am realizing that who i originally thought was him, may not be. On the back, the photo says this in my great-grandmother's handwriting: "grandmother are on this. Joseph and Missouri Arduengo. 1920s they died in 1925". I now believe that the old man and woman on the far left of the photo are Joseph and Missouri Arduengo as this corresponds with how old they would've been in the 1920s.
It is possible that this is cut off at the top, I am out of the country and do not have the physical photo with me, but only the scans on my computer. Joseph Arduengo did not die in 1925. He died in 1929 and the date of Missouri's death is unknown to me.
A distant relative of mine has created a family tree online with information from censuses and other information. It has him being born in Cortes de Pallás, Valencia. I believe that this is a mistake from "Corvez" being typed into the space that had autofill pop-ups which changed "Corvez" to "Cortes de Pallás", and my relative assumed that "Corvez" was a misspelling (which it is) of "Cortes de Pallás". As I mentioned, "Corvez" is certainly a misspelling as I've contacted many records offices throughout Spain and all of the replies have been to say that no place named "Corvez" has ever existed in Spain. Though "Carbes" could definitely be heard as "Corvez" over the phone, which I assumed was how the information was acquired considering that my great-grandmother hired a genealogist in the 70s or 80s and there was obviously little access to the internet or email if any at all. The report from the genealogist is the typed record that I've taken a picture of in the message with the two photos and four links. The report is very long and details other parts of my family, but the paragraph in the photo was the only information ever given about Joseph Arduengo's background and the Arduengo family. It should be worth noting that to make this more confusing, Joseph Arduengo named one of his sons Joseph Leo Arduengo (which makes the child Joseph Jr), born in about 1899. His daughter Myra, also married a man named Joseph, though his full name was Joseph Emmett Edwards. Together they had a child named Joseph Emmett Edwards Jr, born in 1911, which makes there now 4 Josephs that my great-grandmother descends from.
I'm so sorry for all the confusion, and thank you so much for helping me. I am looking for the family of Joseph Arduengo (Sr, born in 1855 in Spain) as well as the location of his birth.
[url=" ... Arnold.ged]Here is Joseph Arduengo (Sr)'s information in the family tree by my relative.[/url]
Though this is helpful, I wouldn't take it for fact, as it does cite his birthplace as bejng in Valencia which is highly unlikely. The censuses cited in his information can be found in those four links in my previous message.
I am thinking that getting information from Cuba first would be more helpful to trace him back to Spain, though none of his information shows up on online Cuban databases and I do not know who to contact for this information.
Thanks so much again!



Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 1:33 pm
by Marta Elena Díaz García
Hello, Rachel:
I was looking for Corvez, but any village in Asturias has such a name.

However, there is a Carbes.

Carbes is a small village belonging to the parish of Mián in the council of Amieva. Nowadays, the population is 32 people, which live in 12 of the 30 registred family houses.
Carbes is located near a bend of the Sella River and is surrounded by three mountains: Picu Castiellu, Cueto Mayo and El Tenebréu.
I will try to find information about your relative, but it may take long because in summer (August, September) the archbishopric register is closed. As soon as I have news, I’ll tell you.


Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:58 pm
by abruzzey

Thank you so much! I have actually mailed the church in Carbes and have received a reply recently, from an Amparo Diaz Gutierrez who says that the church is private and therefore cannot help with my search, but that it would be best to contact the ayuntamiento de Amieva or Ponga or the arzobispado de Oviedo in which searching by baptism date (likely near birth date) would be most useful. He tells me that this area of Asturias and of Spain as a whole is where most of el Arduengo is concentrated and I am likely to come in contact with a family member.
Llerandi does mention the Spanish Civil War and that prompted me to search for people of the surname Arduengo in the pares registry of victims. I did find a "Manuel Arduengo García¨not in Asturias however, but from Valencia, strangely enough, which is where I was originally told my family was from. However, like I said above I am not sure if this person is a very close relative as the confusion I believe resulted from the name "Corvez", I was told they came from "Cortes de Pallás" in Valencia, though this seems very unlikely and I've tried to contact anyone there with no luck and have found no records of any Arduengo anywhere near there.
Eventually I think I will try to go there in person, as I am set to study abroad in Toledo in two or three years. My largest fear is that I will not be able to find any connection at all between my relative and the Arduengo family in Spain and Cuba, seeing as records of my relative seem to support that the name "Joseph" was a very new one and wasn't even used in the United States for a while. The first record I have of him lists his first name simply as "J" while the next lists it as "Jaz" until he becomes Joseph.
But I'm also looking for the Cuba link, though I have no idea who to contact for that and Cubagenclub has very few records on any Arduengo and no way to verify if the Arduengo I am looking at is closely related to the one I am looking for. But also there is the possibility of documents in Spain being destroyed during the Guerra Civil or Francoist Repression.
It seems my family has no knowledge as to anything of my Spanish family, my bisabuela died a few years ago and we have all of her records though they are very few and both my grandparents have dementia now and will not be able to help me.
Right now I am looking to contact the parroquia de Mian as suggested and if I get any helpful information I will let you know.
Thanks so much!
