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Blanco Family

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:36 pm
by Erlene Best
My grandfather was Joseph "Jose" Ramon Blanco,1885 he was born in Matanza Cuba. But I have learned that his father (#2) came from Asturia, Spain. He married to Concepeion Capestany.

My great grandfather was also name Jose Ramon Blanco (#2) born around 1860, his father was Jose Ramon Blanco 1830 (#1). I have been told that Jose (#1), had 3 sons that we know of: Donato 1855, Jose (*) and Victorino (Spainard) Blanco. We know that Donato and my Jose went to Cuba. But that is all we know.

I have done DNA, on ancestry is Spain. (German&Ireland) my father side. Spain could only be Blanco side. I have attach a photo of Jose #2, Joseph (3#), Ramon Blanco taken in Cuba in the early 1900.


Posted two photos: Jose Ramon Blanco #2 with my grandfather: Jose Ramon Blanco #3 and brother Ramon Blanco.
Second photo is of my great grandfather by himself.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 5:49 am
by Jasm
No creo que tenga que ver con usted, por usted dice con Donato, el año de 1855.
Pero el 15/06/1859, pide al Ministerio de Ultramar, pasaporte Donato Blanco, del pueblo de Piñera, Cudillero, para La Habana.
I don't think that this information has to do with you, because you say with Donato, the year of 1855.
But the 15/06/1859, Donato Blanco apply for pasaport to the Ultramar Ministry, of the village of Piñera, Cudillero, for La Habana.

A principio del s. XIX, pasaron varios Capestany, de Altafulla - Tarragona (Cataluña), a La Habana.
At the beginning of the s. XIX, passed several Capestany, from Altafulla - Tarragona (Catalonia), to Havana.

Perdone las molestias, si le he hecho perder su tiempo.
Sorry for the inconvenience, if I wasted your time.

I apologize by my English (I don't speak English)

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:34 am
by Erlene Best
Thank you for Donato Blanco information. I sorry I don't speak spanish. I have forward you message to family member. To see if he has any questions.

Is that his birth date or passport date?
Thank you again

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:10 pm
by Jasm
1859, it is the year, that Donato applied for passport.
It would be good to know the second surname of Jose Ramon (#1) or (#2).

Joaquin Maria Capestany Rius, 30/10/1822, he applied for to go to La Habana, to continue the business of the family members, and Parent-owned interests. He was from Altafulla (Tarragona - Cataluña)
Florencio Capestany Gatell, 24/12/1831, he applied for to go to La Habana, to work in the shop of his uncle Jose Gatell. He was from Altafulla (Tarragona - Cataluña)

I apologize by my English (I don't speak English)

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2019 8:01 pm
by aberlanga
Hi! I found some papers that talk about Jose and Donato Blanco in Cienfuegos, Cuba. They were from Cudillero, where exist a place called Piñera.

Please let me know what you got!


PD: where did you post the photos?

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2019 11:47 pm
by Art
aberlanga: You can post images in messages. We are currently lacking a volunteer to the the image posting for the Photo Album. It's an old program and not user friendly, so prospective volunteers have wisely declined!

Here's how to post in a message: