My grandfather was Victor Martínez Artime, born in Salinas, Asturias in 1894. His parents were José Martíinez Alonso (born 1948)and María Artime Ovies (born 1862). I would appreciate learning whether or Francisco Artime(s) Obies [Ovies} is Maria's brother. The original birth certificate is difficult to read, and seems to contain errors in spelling. The two people are reasonably close in age, and both appear to be children of María Artime Ovies (if Obies is an alternate spelling of Ovies).
I would greatly appreciate any information.
Number 68. Transcript of marriage Francisco Artimes and Obies with Amalia Menéndez de San Martin
In the municipal court of Castrillón district Avilés, province of Oviedo, today October twenty fourth in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four, at two o’clock in the afternoon before D. Manuel Menéndez y Martínez, municipal judge, and D. Esteban Bejega y Menendes Secretary, appeared D. Francisco Artimes and Obies, a widower, twenty nine years of age, a day laborer, a native of San Martin de Podes, council of Gozón, province of Oviedo, and domiciled today in Salinas of this council, thus identified by the recorded identity card number five hundred and sixty one that was authorized and issued by the mayor of this municipality, submitted as enrollment in the civil registry conforming with the Royal Decree of February in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, and sections ten and nine of the same month and year [decree], [that] the sacrament of canonical marriage celebrated in the parish church of San Martin de Laspra of this council the seventeenth day of September last between the petitioner and Amalia Menendes; and not appearing in this foregoing record to the son-in-law that [would] block the requested transcription, such as after examining it, we certify, in compliance with article 6 of the third circumstance citation [cited?] of instruction, the [honorary title “señor” deleted] municipal judge ordered to proceed with the inscription of the sacramental certificate, which [was] copied faithfully as attested at the foot of the letter."
I, the undersigned resident priest from Parish of San Martin de Laspra, council of Castrillón, province of Oviedo, certify: that in the current marriage record of this parish that began this year of [eighteen hundred] eighty-four, folio 3, is indeed what the letter attests. The day of September one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, I the undersigned resident priest of this parish of San Martin de Laspra, Bishopric of Oviedo, I attended and will authorize the marriage that if contracted by words of present and mutual consent, [by ]the first party, Francisco Artimes Obies, a native of San Martin de Podes and domiciled in the town of Salinas within the limits of this parish, a widower, a laborer by trade, age more than thirty-two years, and the widower of Escolástica Álvarez; and the second party, Amalia Menéndez single, age twenty-one years, of Lugo in Villepinte and a present resident of Salinas, and legitimate daughter and from the legitimate marriage of Federico Menendes and Josefa Mieres. She comes from Lugo, by way of Avilés where he was serving, and the same in this [location] for having been released from both as excused and there was no impediment whatsoever that would stand in the way of the marriage. He the groom, as widower, does not need favorable[ documentation of eligibility to marry] and the groom got [it] from his widowed mother. Witnessed [by] José Fernández and Manuel Fernández, affirmed and agreed to and [illegible, appears to be “ayeron”] the same marriage and I thus will affix my signature = Juan Lovo [sic]. It is the copy remain in my keeping for the signing today on September twenty three, thousand eight hundred and eighty-four = Juan Lobo Cilla. There is a seal.
He finished the previous transcription and compared it to the original, [and] properly annotated this item that is archived in the files this marriage in the second half of this year, and is [legalized] by this note [of authorization]. With the seal of the court signed by the [“señor” omitted] Judge and the [aracejo?] witness. The appearing party did not know that it was S. Francisco Fernández and the undersigned secretary who was performing the duty to certify.
Manuel Menéndez and Fernández
Francisco Fernández
Esteban Bejega
Francisco Artime(s) Ovies (or Ovies) and Amalia Menendez Mar
Moderators: svgev, Maria Garcia Alvarez, Moderators
Bob, no sé si tiene que ver con usted, y le pido disculpas si le hago perder el tiempo, Francisco Fernández Buján, natural y vecino de San Martín de Podes, Gozón, en Asturias, hijo de Antonio Fernández Buján y de Manuela Alonso, soltero, solicita licencia para pasar a La Habana a la compañía de su pariente Manuel de Obies García, del comercio de La Habana, se le concedió 07/10/1826.
José María Fernández Quevedo Heres, natural y vecino de la parroquia de San Martín de Podes, en el concejo de Gozón, en Asturias, soltero, hijo de Manuel Fernández Quevedo Heres, vecino de allí, que le autoriza, y de Francisca Ovies García, solicita licencia para pasar a La Habana a ejercitarse en los negocios junto a su tío, Manuel de Ovies, vecino y del comercio de La Habana, se le concedió 26/10/1831.
Reitero mis disculpas.
José María Fernández Quevedo Heres, natural y vecino de la parroquia de San Martín de Podes, en el concejo de Gozón, en Asturias, soltero, hijo de Manuel Fernández Quevedo Heres, vecino de allí, que le autoriza, y de Francisca Ovies García, solicita licencia para pasar a La Habana a ejercitarse en los negocios junto a su tío, Manuel de Ovies, vecino y del comercio de La Habana, se le concedió 26/10/1831.
Reitero mis disculpas.
El 29/07/1874, la comisión provincial de Oviedo del Gobierno Civil, estudia los casos de solicitud de no aptos para el servicio militar, en el caso de Gozón, se estudió el caso de Francisco Artime y Ovies, fue revisada su exención del parrafo primero; y préevio reconocimiento del padre se acordó para mejor resolver que se acredite el estado civil de los hermanos.