Documental de Asturias a Vietnam
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 12:50 pm
La película narra una historia muy poco conocida pese a acaparar las portadas de los periódicos durante varias décadas: el origen de la Guerra de Vietnam. En el siglo XIX, España invade Cochinchina, apoyada por el ejercito francés, en una operación militar encaminada a salvaguardar a los misioneros dominicos que eran asesinados en esas tierras.
The film tells a very little-known story despite taking over the front pages of the newspapers for several decades: the origin of the Vietnam War. In the nineteenth century, Spain invaded Cochinchina, supported by the French army, in a military operation aimed at safeguarding the Dominican missionaries who were killed in those lands.
The film tells a very little-known story despite taking over the front pages of the newspapers for several decades: the origin of the Vietnam War. In the nineteenth century, Spain invaded Cochinchina, supported by the French army, in a military operation aimed at safeguarding the Dominican missionaries who were killed in those lands.