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Madalenas Asturianas de Natas

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 4:24 pm
by Jasm
La receta es de Susana Fernández Fernández, para homenajear a su padre, asturiano, de uno de esos Concejos olvidados de Asturias, casi toda la vida, Degaña, y a su madre gallega, fronteriza con Asturias, los 2 emigrantes a América.
Hoy ella desarrolla su carrera profesional en Estados Unidos.
The recipe is by Susana Fernández Fernández, to pay tribute to her Asturian father, who was born in one of those councils of Asturias that seems to be forever forgotten, Degaña, and to her Galician mother, whose hamlet borders (and used to belong to!) Asturias, both of whom immigrated to America.
She currently resides in the United States, where she pursues her professional career as a university professor. ... s-de-natas