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Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:41 pm
by Manuell Alvarez
We owe a good deal to our ancestors who survived plaques, natural disasters, famines, financial depressions, and wars. Our very existence is due to the resiliency of many generations of survivors. Unfortunately, there is no recorded history of their struggles.

75,000 years ago, scientists believe that mankind almost went extinct due to some catastrophe which caused tree rings not to grow. Further, they point out that the quantity of DNA that is passed down from our mothers had narrowed down to about 3000 people.

Hopefully, a thousand years from now, our descendants will note that they owe their existence to those who survived the Coronavirus.

I can only trace my Asturian heritage back to my great grandparents.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 8:06 am
by Jasm
Manuell, San Martín de Gurulles, Unfortunately, it was in front of the Civil War (1936-1939), and in that parish only the baptism books are preserved 1860-94, married 1860-61 1862-92, confirmed 1873-74. If the padrones (census) of 1815 and 1824 are preserved, but only the males appear, it is rare to find a woman.

I apologize for my English.