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Republic Anniversary

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 12:42 pm
by Carlos
The 14 of April of 1931 were proclaimed the Second Republic, attempt to modernize the country and to give answer to the popular aspirations, of the workers, the farmers, the women and the nations who comprised of the country. Today it is therefore 73 anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic. In tribute to all those men and women who thought that a better world was possible, and that the freedom and justice fought by, here I put this message to you, that surely will bring close memories to those who lived those events.

Himno de Riego (Himno de la República): ... riego4.mp3

Some songs of the Spanish Civil War sung by the American combatants of the Lincoln Battalion: ... 20Song.mp3

"¡A las barricadas!" (To the Barricades!), a revolutionary song that seems to me wonderful by its force, in a recording of the time emitted by the radio stations: ... icadas.mp3

Another song that speaks of the Asturian miners: ... 0Luisa.mp3

The hymn of maquis (guerrilleros), who acted in Asturias until beginnings of the 50's, from the original sound track of "Silencio roto" (Broken silence) movie:

Posters requesting solidarity with Asturias to the rest of the State:

Image ... mas_Mk.jpg

Image ... ado_Mk.jpg

Asturian combatants and refugees arrive at a French port after avoiding to the fascist ships that blocked the ports of the Biscay Bay:

Image ... ncia07.jpg

The fight of the people obtained international solidarity. Combatants by the freedom came from numerous countries to fight against the fascism, also hundreds of Americans.

The pennant of the Lincoln Brigade:


The American volunteers of the Lincoln Brigade arrive at the port of Barcelona in January of 1937. They were perfectly equipped by the political lefts parties and labour unions of the USA:


American prisoners of the Lincoln Brigade in some jail or fascist concentration camp. The personage to the left, with the greased hair, is an officer of Franco's army. The prisoners of the International Brigades were almost immediately shot:


The blood of the people feeds our memory. While it remains the memory, the hope of freedom will not die.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 4:28 pm
by Terechu
Qué pasada, Carlos. Mi padre tenía una cinta con canciones de la República, que incluía el Himno del Riego, El Pozo Maria Luisa y Els Segadors, pero nunca había oído las canciones de la Brigada Lincoln en inglés. Por cierto, ¿se pueden comprar esos carteles en alguna parte? De todos modos no tienen comparación con los cuadros que forman parte del patrimonio de Duro Felguera. Si hicieran una exposición de su patrimonio artístico, de sus preciosos cuadros y murales de principios del siglo pasado de obreros de la fundición, mineros, etc. la gente alucinaría.
Great stuff, Carlos. My dad had a tape with songs from the Republic, which included the Himno del Riego, El Pozo María Luisa and Els Segadors, but I had never heard the songs of the Lincoln Brigade in English.
By the way, can those posters be bought anywhere? Anyway, they can't compare to the paintings that are part of Duro Felguera's patrimony. If they ever make an exhibition of their art patrimony, of their wonderful paintings and murals from the beginning of the last century depicting foundry workers, miners, etc. people would be astounded.
