Crema de Nécoras - Cream of Crab Soup
2 pounds nécoras (andariques n'asturianu). Maryland Blue crabs, common on the eastern coast of the US, work fine.
1 pound scorpionfish in pieces (or 0.5 pounds monkfish or additional hake)
0.5 pounds hake
2 carrots
1 bunch parsley
2 cloves garlic
1 large onion
2 ripe tomatoes
4 ounces cognac or Spanish brandy
4 ounces dry white wine
4 egg yolks
4 ounces butter
heavy cream
Cook the fish with the vegetables, in a quart and a half of water, with the parsley, until done. Add the crabs and the remaining vegetables and cook for 15 minutes. Drain and reserve the liquid. Remove the crab meat, but save the shells. Crush the crab shells in a mortar and place them in the fish broth with the saffron and parsley. Simmer for 5 minutes. Retain the broth. Drain well in a sieve, pressing out the juices. Discard the shells. Put the crab meat and fish in the broth and add the cognac and wine and the cooked vegetables. Blend in a blender until very smooth. Beat the egg yolks and whip in the melted butter. Add to the soup. Stir in a dollop of heavy cream. Serve hot.
Crema de Nécoras - Cream of Crab Soup
Broths, purees, & more.<br>
Caldos, purés, y más.
Caldos, purés, y más.
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