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Llan de Cubel de xira pelos EE.XX

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 9:16 am
by argayu

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 8:56 pm
by Art
Thanks for the news, Argayu. It appears that Llan de Cubel is or will soon be touring the US doing a two week series of concerts at festivals in Chicago, Cincinnati, and Nashville. The article also says they'll be playing in Wisconsin. If they're playing near you, it'd be worth going. They're a great bunch of who play Asturian tunes in a manner that sounds a lot like the Irish folk music we hear a lot here.


Gracias para danos las noticias, Argayu. Parece que Llan de Cubel esta o estarán pronto de gira en EE.UU. con una serie de conciertos a festivales en Chicago, Cincinnati, y Nashville. El artículo también dice que actuarán in Wisconsin. Si actuan circa de tí, vale la pena asistir. Son un grupo de músicos quienes tocan tonadas asturianas en un estilo que suena de la música irlandesa que oímos aquí mucho.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:14 am
by Chris
Here a web page talking about Llan de Cubel and its in English