Looking for the Menendez Family History

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Looking for the Menendez Family History

Post by Miriam »

My name is Miriam Marie Menendez Correa from Tampa. My father is still to date a member of The Centro Austuriano Club. I now live in Orlando Florida with my husband and children. I have posted this message hoping that someone may have some information about my family. Please take a moment to read my message:

I have very little information of my family history past my grandfather to go by. I like so many others, would like so much to find out about my background.

I found out my Great Grandfather's name was Lauriano Menendez and my Great Grandmother's name was Maximina Menendez Carilles. My grandfather's name was Gervasio Menendez, from Llanes, Asturias, Spain.

My grandmother Maria Louisa Menendez, I believe, was from Cuba. My grandparents had 13 children. This could be the major reason why I am an only child. My grandfather Gervasio went to Cuba, met my grandmother, and settled in 7th Avenue Ybor City, Tampa, Florida. I never met him; he died when my father was 15 years old. My father's name is Jose Maria Menendez and he was born 1929.

I was raised more toward the Cuban culture and I long to know more about my Asturia Heritage. I have been trying for months to find out information and still come up clueless. Most of my aunts and uncles have died and the ones that are still living are not doing well except for two members. My father does not have a very good memory so asking him questions and getting answers is hard. Any information from anyone would greatly be appreciated.
Transl. Terechu

Me llamo Miriam Marie Menéndez Correa y soy de Tampa. Mi padre aún sigue siendo miembro del Centro Asturiano. Ahora vivo en Orland, Florida, con mi madrido y mis hijos. He enviado este mensaje en la esperanza de que alguien pueda tener información sobre mi familiar. Por favor tomaros un momento para leer mi mensaje:

Tengo muy poca información de la historia de mi familia más allá de mi abuelo por la que guiarme. Yo, como tantos otros, quisiera averiguar más acerca de mis orígines.

Me he enterado de que mi bisabuelo se llamaba Laureano Menéndez y mi bisabuela Maximina Menéndez Carriles, de Llanes, Asturias. Mi abuelo se llamaba Gervasio Menéndez, de Llanes, Asturias.

Mi abuela María Luisa Menéndez, creo, era cubana. Mis abuelos tuvieron 13 hijos. Esta podría ser la principal razón por la cual yo soy hija única. Mi abuelo Gervasio emigró a Cuba, conoció a mi abuela y vivió en la 7ª avenida de Ybor City, Tampa, Florida. Yo nunca llegué a conocerle, murió cuando mi padre tenía 15 años. Me padre se llama José María Menéndez y nació en 1929.

Yo me crié más cercana a la cultura cubana y tengo añoranza de saber más sobre mis raíces asturianas. Llevo meses intentando encontrar alguna información, pero siempre acabo sin la menor pista. Casi todos mis tíos han muerto o están mal y mi padre no tiene buena memoria, de manera que es difícil que conteste a mis preguntas. Cualquier información que pudieráis aportar será muy agradecida.
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Post by Terechu »

Hi Miriam and welcome to the forum! Have you had any luck with your family name yet? Menéndez is very common in Asturias, but more in the Avilés/Candás area, it's less common in Llanes.

I know someone by the surname Carriles, if you're interested in that surname let me know. He's an Army pilot, so we don't see him much, but I can call him. By the way, here's a web site where you can see pictures of Los Carriles (Llanes), your ancestral home on your great-grandmother's side.

http://www.vivirasturias.com/asturias/t ... index.html

You can also check the phone guide www.paginasblancas.es under Llanes, but Llanes is not only a town, it's the whole county, so it would be best to know from what village or town your great-grandparents were.

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