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Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 5:59 pm
by Bob
Today several members wrote to us to complain that Laura4567 had sent them unsolicited commercial messages (spam) through our forum. Our administrator, Art, acted quickly to terminate the offending account. We hope that the problem will not be repeated.

Sending spam to members violates the purposes of our forum community, and will not be tolerated. Please report any spam to us as soon as possible, and we will take care of the problem. Thanks.

Bob (on behalf of himself, Suronda, Art and Terechu)

translated by Art

Hoy varios miembros nos escribieron para quejarse que Laura4567 les había enviado mensajes comerciales no solicitados (spam) por nuestro foro. Nuestro administrador, Art, actuó rápidamente para terminar la cuenta de la culpable. Esperamos que el problema no sea repetido.

El enviar de spam a miembros viola los objetivos de nuestra comunidad del foro, y no será tolerado. Por favor relátenos cualquier spam cuanto antes, y remediaremos del problema. Gracias.

Bob (de parte de su mismo, Suronda, Art, y Terechu)

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 11:38 pm
by Barbara Alonso Novellino
Hi Bob,

I too received that Spam...I was very surprised because that was the first time thats happened supposedly through the Forum.

Thank you for taking care of it...


Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:20 am
by Art
Once again, someone has signed up as a member and then sent spam to other members. I have removed this "member". Thanks to those who emailed me to alert me to the problem.


Otra vez, alguien se ha matriculado como un socio y luego ha enviado spam a otros miembros. He quitado a este "socio". Gracias a los que me enviaron por correo electrónico para alertarme al problema.