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Julio Rondo expone en Madrid

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:20 pm
by Terechu
Me voy a Madrid este fin de semana a ver a mi hermano que inaugura hoy una exposición en la Galería Arnés + Röpke. Si alguno de vosotros vais a estar por Madrid estos días y os apetece verla, están en la calle Conde de Xiquena

I'm going to Madrid this weekend to see my brother, who's inaugurating an exhibition at the Arnés + Röpke Gallery. If any of you happen to be in Madrid in the coming days and feel like going to see it, they are located in the Calle Conde de Xiquena


Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:41 pm
by Barbara Alonso Novellino
Lots of Luck to him...

Have a Great trip!


Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:11 pm
by Xose
¡Que tengais suerte! Cuidaté en tu viaje....

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 4:54 am
by Terechu
Thanks, Barbara and Xose! In fact your wishes have brought him luck - he sold two large paintings on the very inauguration! He doesn't like to talk about prices, but his larger paintings are around 7,000 Euros (half of it goes to the gallery, though)

Now he's all stressed out, because that makes 12 paintings in the last two months, he's totally out of material for his upcoming exhibition in Zurich (I believe) and plus there's ARCO Contemporary Art Fair in Madrid in February!

I should be so lucky!


Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 8:56 am
by Bob
I'm happy that your brother's art is a success. It's not an easy field in which to make a living. One of our neighbors in Rockport is a successful artist who started life as an advertising executive. He prices his work in a very unusual way--by size and size alone.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 10:42 am
by Barbara Alonso Novellino


You most be so proud of your brother. Let us know how he does in his upcoming exhibits. I wish him VERY GOOD LUCK!

Being an artists is such a wonderful thing...

Again, Congratulations...

Hugs to you Also


Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:11 pm
by Xose
The ARCO show is my favorite art exhibit. The last time I was there was 1996, but god, is it great! Does your brother have a web site?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 5:33 pm
by Terechu
Bob, I believe my brother's paintings go by size, too, but I'm not sure. He could make a living of it, but he's also a professor of arts at Stuttgart's reputed Merz Akademie. It's always good to have a safe income :lol: .

Barbara, you're such a dear! We ARE proud of him and he deserves it, because he's a very good, loving person, which is more important even than his talent. Thanks again!

Xose, I wish I had known you in 1996, because I was at ARCO too that year. We could have had lunch together! I agree it's one heck of a fair, I believe it's the world's largest of its kind and it keeps growing.

Hugs to all

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 5:35 pm
by Terechu
Xose, I forgot, I believe he's got a web site in German, but you can find lots of stuff under "Julio Rondo", and his paintings if you search "Images" with Google.


Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 3:36 am
by Art
It's true, though a little odd: size is a common way to price art. I suspect that this is because the public thinks it makes sense. People used to ask, "Well, I can't afford a big one, so can you do a very small one for me?" Pricing art according to someone's idea of the quality of the works would be more complicated, difficult, and probably somewhat arbitrary. Of course, the name an artist has makes a much greater influence on the prices they can charge.


Es verdad, aunque un poco raro: un modo de asignar un precio para un obra de arte es por su tamaño. Sospecho que es porque el público piensa que tiene sentido. La gente solía preguntarme, "Bien, no puedo permitirme uno grande. ¿Pues, puedes hacerme uno muy pequeño? " La acción de poner el precio del arte según la idea de alguien de la calidad de los obras sería más complicado, difícil, y probablemente algo arbitrario. Desde luego, el nombre que un artista tiene hace una influencia mucho mayor sobre los precios que puede cobrar.