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La trama asturiana / The Asturian Connection

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 5:17 am
by Terechu
Cada vez me ofende más que se utilice el término "La trama asturiana" para denominar al puñado de macarras y guardias civiles de la conocida "Mafia de Avilés". Tengo amigos en Avilés que aseguran que lo de estos tipos era de dominio público y que el cerebro no es Suárez Trashorras, sino Antonio Toro (el cuñado), que por cierto es gallego. Ninguno de los guardias civiles implicados es asturiano. Además, en Avilés se vienen dando extraños sucesos desde hace años que se han barrido debajo de la alfombra por parte de la Guardia Civil, con la connivencia de algunos jueces, como el asesinato en plena calle y delante de su casa de aquel fotógrafo militante del PC- Nuño creo que se llamaba. Los de Avilés saben quién fue, porque hubo testigos, y fue alguien de esta mafia de traficantes. A ver si alguien les manda ya de una vez a la trena.


I get more and more insulted at the term "The Asturian Connection" (related to the explosives used for the Madrid bombings) used to refer to the handful of thugs and Civil Guards of the well-known "Avilés Mafia". I have friends in Avilés who assure that these guys' activities were common knowledge and that the ring leader is not Suárez Trashorras, but his brother-in-law Antonio Toro, who by the way is Galician. None of the Civil Guards involved are Asturians. Besides, for years now there have been strange things going on in Avilés which have been swept under the rug by the Civil Guard, with the connivance of some judges, like the shooting death of that photographer member of the Communist Party - Nuño, I believe was his name - in broad day light in front of his house. People in Avilés know who did it, because there were eyewitnesses and it was somebody from this traffiker Mafia. Let's hope they all get sent to jail once and for all.
