la xiriga
Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 8:22 pm
La xiriga é una jabla artificial, los teyeros que diban a trabayar nas teyeras n'Asturias o per Castiella inventaren esta jabla. Tien pallabres del vascu (zela= vaca, xacurru= perru), italianu (fusciar= jumiar), englés (man= dueñu, encargau).
The xiriga is an artificial language, the brick-layers who migrated to work in the chalk farms in Asturias or Castilla made it up. Xiriga took words from the Basque (zela= cow, xacurru= dog), Italian (fusciar= to smoke), English (man= owner, manager).
El verbu 'aparar' pué usase comu 'ser, estar, aparentar'.
el gorre apara yordia = el guaje/paisanu paez tontu perdiu
la gorreta apara xida = la rapaza é bien guapa
The verb 'aparar' can be used to mean 'to be, to look like'
el gorre apara yordia = the boy/man seems stupid
la gorreta apara xida = the girl/woman is pretty
Jose Luis Celorio
The xiriga is an artificial language, the brick-layers who migrated to work in the chalk farms in Asturias or Castilla made it up. Xiriga took words from the Basque (zela= cow, xacurru= dog), Italian (fusciar= to smoke), English (man= owner, manager).
El verbu 'aparar' pué usase comu 'ser, estar, aparentar'.
el gorre apara yordia = el guaje/paisanu paez tontu perdiu
la gorreta apara xida = la rapaza é bien guapa
The verb 'aparar' can be used to mean 'to be, to look like'
el gorre apara yordia = the boy/man seems stupid
la gorreta apara xida = the girl/woman is pretty
Jose Luis Celorio