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Comunidad histórica / Historical Community

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:12 am
by Terechu
Quizás os interese este artículo de LNE, sobre un libro de Enrique Campomanes "Asturias, de Reino a Principado" que se publica esta semana, y donde se resumen los últimos 1000 años de historia.
A ver si de una vez empezamos a reclamar nuestro sitio en la historia.
You might be interested in this article of LNE, about the book "Asturias, from Kingdom to Principality" by Enrique Campomanes, which is being published this week and deals with the last 1000 years of our history.
Let's hope we're finally starting to demand recognition of our role in history. ... emplar=767


Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:02 am
by Trasgu
A diferencia de vascos o catalanes, (entre otros). Creo que los asturianos nos avergonzamos de nuestra historia, nuestras tradiciones y toda nuestra identidad en general. Ahi tenemos las consecuencias, desempleo, pobreza, crisis, desarraigo, emigración y caos, el origen de todo ello no es mas que la falta de conciencia nacional para defender lo nuestro. Te crees que los catalane se iban a callar ante lo que esta haciendo ahora mismo en asturias el partido socialista? (paralizando obras planeadas de tremanda improtancia para nuestro desarrollo economico).

Has visto una sola manifestacion en la calle?

Ni sueñes que Asturias vaya a ser reconocida como nada, a nadie le interesa, de hecho a nuestros politicos les preocupa mas que otras comunidades no se les reconozca como otra cosa que no sea una region. Coge el dinero y corre, eso es lo unico que importa a los asturianos hoy en dia, en especial a la clase política.

Unlike basques or catalonians, (among others). I think that we, the asturians, feel ashamed of our own history, our traditions and all our identity in general. And there we have que consequences, unemployement, poverty, crisis, rootlessness, emigration and chaos, the origin of it all is the same: the lack of national conscience to support ourselves. Would you think that catalonians wouldn't say a word in the case that the socialist party were doing to them what they are doing to us right now? (paralyzing planned constructions of tremendous importance for our economical development)

Have you seen a single demonstration on the street?

Don't even dream of Asturias being recognised as anything, nobody cares here, in fact, our politiciens are worried about other communities being regonized as other thing than simple regions. Take the money and run away, thats the only thing asturians care for nowadays, in special our political class.

(corrections would be appreciated :-) )