He encontrado la única foto que existe del legendario "Onofre", el guerrillero más famoso del maquis en Asturias. Está en la página familiar de los Uribelarrea (Onofre es el del medio).
Natural de Sotrondio, se tiró al monte cuando entraron los nacionales, sabiendo que le esperaba el pelotón de fusilamiento y luchó en la resistencia durante más de 10 años, casi siempre en los montes de la zona central, principalmente Monte Coya (Piloña), Caso, Laviana, SM Rey Aurelio. Murió acribillado en el puente viejo de Infiesto en una emboscada que le preparó un guardia civil que llevaba 2 años infiltrado en su banda.
http://www.weburibelarrea.com.ar/en_la_ ... ancais.htm
I found the only existing photograph of the legendary "Onofre", the most famous resistance fighter in post-war Asturias. It is in the Uribelarrea family website (Onofre is the one in the middle).
Born in Sotrondio, he took to the hills when the "National" troops defeated the Asturian Republicans, knowing that the firing squad was his only destiny and he fought in the resistance (maquis) for over 10 years, almost always in the mountains of central Asturias (mainly Monte Coya in Piloña, Caso, Laviana, San Martín del Rey Aurelio). He was machine-gunned to death on the old bridge of Infiesto, in an ambush set up by a Guardia Civil who had been infiltrated in his gang for 2 years.
Onofre García Uribelarrea, Guerrillero
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