Otru chiste asturianu
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 4:04 pm
(Esti chiste ye mas vieyu qu'el catarro)
Allá en los años de la posguerra, cuando empezaron a asfaltar las carreteras que hasta entonces estaban empedradas, se cruzan dos carreteros en el puerto de Pajares, uno asturiano el otro andaluz, sorteando baches y charcos y echando cagamentos.
Dice el asturiano al andaluz: "Qué? ¿Alquitranlaránla?"
Contesta el andaluz: "Ole, alquitranlerele!"
This is a play-on-words, impossible to translate, but I'll try to give you a rough idea, although it might spoil it:
Back in the post-war years, when they started to asphalt the old cobble-stone highways, two carters, one Asturian and one Andalusian, crossed eachother on the Pajares Pass, trying to avoid potholes, going around puddles and cursing all the while.
Says the Asturian to the Andalusian: "So, d'you think they'll tar it?
Answers the Andalusian: "Ole, alquitranlerele"
(larala and lerele are typical flamenco exclamations meaning nothing at all)
Allá en los años de la posguerra, cuando empezaron a asfaltar las carreteras que hasta entonces estaban empedradas, se cruzan dos carreteros en el puerto de Pajares, uno asturiano el otro andaluz, sorteando baches y charcos y echando cagamentos.
Dice el asturiano al andaluz: "Qué? ¿Alquitranlaránla?"
Contesta el andaluz: "Ole, alquitranlerele!"
This is a play-on-words, impossible to translate, but I'll try to give you a rough idea, although it might spoil it:
Back in the post-war years, when they started to asphalt the old cobble-stone highways, two carters, one Asturian and one Andalusian, crossed eachother on the Pajares Pass, trying to avoid potholes, going around puddles and cursing all the while.
Says the Asturian to the Andalusian: "So, d'you think they'll tar it?
Answers the Andalusian: "Ole, alquitranlerele"
(larala and lerele are typical flamenco exclamations meaning nothing at all)