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Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:47 pm
by tierradenadie
Is wrote: 'manitas' ... and that is quite admirable.
pues, podrías llamarlo: una afección
p.d.: hablando de ligando: ¿alguien sabe?
Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:09 am
by Art
Vaya, Peter. Qué idea es la bombilla de aqua y cloro. ¿Lo has probado?
Wow, Peter. What an idea that light bulb made of water and Chlorox is. Have you tried that?
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:49 am
by tierradenadie
Art wrote:Vaya, Peter. Qué idea es la bombilla de aqua y cloro. ¿Lo has probado?
no, no todavía. pero mientras tengo lo caño grande en mi casa aquí en nyc, *the mother of all pipes*, la red, estoy reuniendo cualquier material que me prepare para una vida desenchufada, off-the-grid. por lo tanto, estoy seguro que voy a experimentar con muchas cosas que ahora parecen fuera de serie, de otro 'mundo'.
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:58 pm
by Art
Is, in the countryside is there cell phone coverage only in the larger towns?
¿Is, en el campo hay acceso para teléfono celular solamente en los pueblos más grandes?
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 3:43 pm
by is
Art wrote:Is, in the countryside is there cell phone coverage only in the larger towns? ¿Is, en el campo hay acceso para teléfono celular solamente en los pueblos más grandes?
Coverage is a problem in La Puela, the county seat for Ayande (Allande). People don't sign contracts with Vodafone there (a cellphone company in Europe) because coverage is middling. Most people use Movistar. However, even those with Movistar can easily lose coverage when there's a snow blizzard or a wind storm.
So, to answer your question, cell coverage is not great in the mountainous interior of Asturias, although it works in most villages. By the same token, sometimes we don't even have fixed phone lines or television signals! Other people living in the countryside in other counties will confirm this for you.
I spent 3 days in Puela without cell coverage, landline or TV! All I had was my Yachtboy shortwave radio and I listened to the Deutsche Welle. For Peter--reception on SW radios in Asturias is fantastic! Especially when you're up at 900-1000m in altitude. If he's interested, even Persian-language radio comes through crystal-clear...
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:39 am
by tierradenadie
Is wrote:
I spent 3 days in Puela without cell coverage, landline or TV!
iS, has ganado : ... wimmer.gif ~
¿lo sabes?
Is wrote: For Peter--reception on SW radios in Asturias is fantastic! .
mio dio, espero que los krauts no han absorbido todos las emisoras allá! no me gusta mucho oír alemán. no broma. ¿hay algo malo {wicked} en inglés removiendo el aire? temo que no obtendré bastante alimento inglésa.
y, ¿hay música clásica? { en el 'peor de los casos' voy a cantar con las vacas, etc ...... lo que me recuerda: hace años iba de caminata en (la?) escotia. las oveja me despertaban casi cada noche. me encató me encantó! }
Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:10 am
by tierradenadie
Is wrote:
Coverage is a problem [...] because coverage is middling.
¿hay alguno servicio celular únicamente basado de correos electrónicos?
y, ¿¿tal vez la conexión para textos sólo es mejor??
Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:15 am
by tierradenadie
hola asturianautas
un amigo { oscar, munches gracies } de paul me ha enviado este enlace:
tal vez alguien aquí en este foro esté interesado
servus, peter
Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:43 pm
by Anuska
Coverage is also a problem in Infiesto and Caso (depending where you are). For example: you have coverage from Infiesto to La Marea. But from then on there areas where you can't find coverage at all. When I go to my mum's village I have NO coverage.
My parents wanted to install a phone and Telefónica (the phone company) refused to do it. We had to struggle very hard to get a satellite phone (which sometimes loses coverage during snow storms or heavy rain). But at least is something in case of emergency. The rest of the pepople in the village have a normal phone line. And an Italian-German couple who live near us (about 2km away) had a satellite phone installed. They've contracted internet also, but they say they have problems all the time. They present claims all the time to Telefónica, but receive no answer, which is quite normal from them.
But in villages like El Tozu (near Las Cuevas, where my parents spend most of their time) you can have coverage without problem. But this village is in the top of the mountains surrounding this area.
Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 5:20 pm
by tierradenadie
hola a todos, it's been a while, al fin, he aterrizado en asturias, con uno desvío pequeño de hollanda, paris { munches gracies paul } y inglaterra. tomé el barco de plymouth a santander y monté en bici con el remolque de aquí, un pueblo pequeño y lindo en los montañas {cabrales, cerca de los picos - muchas gracias pedro y su madre }. voy a escribir más pronto. buscaré una base para alquilar y voy a recorrer asturias in las/los semanas/meses que vienen. ahora soló quería decir hola a todos y doy las gracias a todos { como tere, art, bob, oscar, andrés, etc etc } quien hasta ahora también me han ayudando mucho. hasta pronto ~ peter
Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 3:11 am
by is
So the spaceship finally landed. You should see Tierradenaide biking his Surly in the streets of Paris with the mini-trailer contraption at peak hours. After years in the mean streets of New York, Asturias is going to be a cynch. Btw, l.limiagu or llimiagu means a slug...
Asina qu'aterrizou la nave espacial. Fairiavos gracia ver a Tierradenaide na bici (marca Surly--igual que la mia, feita en Minnesota) navegando nas cais de Paris a hora punta conos franceses ablucaos. Despueis d'anos nas avenidas malas-malonas de Nova York, Asturias vei resultar bona cumo la manteiga. Por cierto, l.limiagu ou llimiagu quier decir slug (nun sei cumo se diz esto en castel.lan).
Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 3:52 am
by Bob
Paul, I think is slug is babosa or babaza in castellano, un caracol sin concha.
From Peter's description of his bicycling (trailer and all) across steep terrain and taking shelter from a storm in an abandoned church, he is certainly no slug. Not even in my youth could I have kept up with him.
Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 4:21 am
by tierradenadie
Is wrote:So the spaceship finally landed. You should see Tierradenaide biking his Surly in the streets of Paris with the mini-trailer contraption
Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 4:32 am
by tierradenadie
Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 4:36 am
by Bob
Go Peter! Keep us all informed.