emblau – batter – mezcla
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:01 pm
emblau’l: pronounced Em-BLOUGH. Sustantivu (noun) to designate the admixture of flour, milk, water and eggs beaten together for cooking. In Asturias, the word emblau is used almost exclusively for the pasty liquid that serves as a basis for frixuelos, freixuelos or fiyuelas [Asturian crepes]. In Galician, the emblau is used to make filloas, similar to the Asturian fiyuelas that also contain pork blood.
Synonyms at dough, cake mix, mush, confectionery paste.
Usage examples:
Mio guela metia-y anis y un rispiu de llimon al emblau pa frixuelos. [My grandmother used to put anisette into the batter for Asturian crepes]
Manda-y un sms a Nolo pa entruga-y como se fai l’emblau pa freir la xarda. [Send Nolo a text message asking him how to make the batter to fry the mackerel]
Na Nueva Allandesa fain fiyuelas bien curiosas nos dias d’Antroiru, amestando-y sangre de gochu al emblau. [At the Nueva Allandesa they make really good crepes during carnival, adding pork blood to the batter]
Click on the youtube link below to listen to Eufrasia, from Ridera (County Cangas del Narcea), interviewed by Xose Anton Ambas. At minute 2:04 she tells a story in which there's a picnic followed by a religious procession and people eating freixuelos.
Here is a transcription for those who do not easily understand West Asturian (asturianu oucidental or asturiano occidental):
"Punxemonos a xantar ya xunto a nos las d'Oubal.lo. Los canilos nun paraban, las botas, xarros ya vasos, ya esguilaban los freixuelos polos gorguelos p'abaxu. Ya n'esto cheganon dous mozos..."
Synonyms at dough, cake mix, mush, confectionery paste.
Usage examples:
Mio guela metia-y anis y un rispiu de llimon al emblau pa frixuelos. [My grandmother used to put anisette into the batter for Asturian crepes]
Manda-y un sms a Nolo pa entruga-y como se fai l’emblau pa freir la xarda. [Send Nolo a text message asking him how to make the batter to fry the mackerel]
Na Nueva Allandesa fain fiyuelas bien curiosas nos dias d’Antroiru, amestando-y sangre de gochu al emblau. [At the Nueva Allandesa they make really good crepes during carnival, adding pork blood to the batter]
Click on the youtube link below to listen to Eufrasia, from Ridera (County Cangas del Narcea), interviewed by Xose Anton Ambas. At minute 2:04 she tells a story in which there's a picnic followed by a religious procession and people eating freixuelos.
Here is a transcription for those who do not easily understand West Asturian (asturianu oucidental or asturiano occidental):
"Punxemonos a xantar ya xunto a nos las d'Oubal.lo. Los canilos nun paraban, las botas, xarros ya vasos, ya esguilaban los freixuelos polos gorguelos p'abaxu. Ya n'esto cheganon dous mozos..."